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What's the most attractive thing a guy does?


First of all, this is a teaching post, not a storytelling session.

The routines in the story are indeed very attractive when expressed in words, but there are too many restrictive conditions, such as the premise that the girl is your girlfriend, or is in an ambiguous state.

The truly practical "flirting" refers to the process of making a girl's favorability for a boy go from zero to one, and then from one to one hundred.

There is a saying that "Girls are not chased, but attracted". So, have you ever thought about what girls are attracted to?

Someone rushed to answer "rich, handsome..."

Then the question is, if you are on the same economic level as another boy, even he earns $500 more than your monthly salary; your looks are about the same, even he is five centimeters taller than you.

This is most often the case because of social circle constraints.

So, based on this premise, what is "flirting":

1. Satisfy the gender of girls

At the very least, let this girl feel like a girl in front of you.

① special

Primary operation: praise her by comparing with others. Be careful not to step on the comparison sample deliberately. The general attitude is that the comparison sample is okay, but she is the most perfect.

The comparison sample is a starting point, and this starting point cannot be too low, for example, you cannot say that she has a better figure than an obese woman.

Intermediate operation: Violating my own principles, of course I know that many boys have no principles at all in front of the girls they like.

So the first step is to show the other party your principle "I never...", the second step is to violate the principle "But for you, I..." (The second step is not deliberately, just mention it casually, try to let her discover it by herself , rather than you voluntarily saying it).

Don't use it too many times, after all, your principles can't make her feel that you are a person who has too many things.

Advanced operation: The first step is to show that you are special, and the second step is to pull her down on the same special platform as you.

In short, it is to satisfy the girl's fantasy of "a beauty with a hero". For example, you first tell him that you are a master at playing the guitar, and then praise her as the most talented person you have ever seen from the standpoint of a master.

A woman's nature includes maternal nature, daughter nature, and wifeless nature.

This is why girls dislike straight men, because the men they want will either treat her as a daughter, or satisfy her girl's unique motherhood (only a small amount of satisfaction is suitable for sexual attraction), instead of being treated by straight men. A reproductive tool, denying them the right to have an independent personality:

② Daughter temperament

Primary operation: When a girl behaves well, say "You are so cute, so cute", and touch her head when the time is right. (Touch, toss her well-manicured hair to cool.)

Intermediate operation: the first step is to release the reward, and the second step is to let her get the reward. For example, you say that you plan to give her a gift on a certain festival, but you need her to call you "little brother" immediately.

Advanced operation: unprincipled against the whole world for her. No matter whose fault it is, you can scold whoever makes her unhappy, and if necessary, you can even use vulgar words to scold her for the dirty words that she is too embarrassed to scold.

Just like when you were learning to walk when you were a child, you accidentally tripped over the threshold and cried loudly. The first time your mother didn't teach you to be careful next time, but pointed at the stone and yelled.

③ Maternity

It's not about treating her like a mother and acting cute. It's about showing your hidden vulnerability.

A person can't be too labelled, people are more likely to like contradictory personalities, such as strong and fragile.

You have another overnight shift this weekend, and you can tell her that this kind of life is really going crazy, but there are some responsibilities that have to be taken.

The core point of expression is: "I am not as optimistic as the surface, and I am weak when I am tired, but I will continue to wake up."

The so-called satisfaction of motherhood is firstly to give her a chance to love you, and secondly to show her good qualities.

④ romantic

Dating is a must, and not dating is a lifetime backup.

"Walking together at night?" VS "I think we need to find a place to watch the stars together at night."

For the same invitation, the second type is easier to accept than the first type, because the detailed description of the "star" is at work, and girls are good at making up the beautiful images in your words.

Therefore, through the topic, transfer to a pre-description of a dating scene, and then transfer to a clear or vague invitation naturally, which can greatly increase the probability of success.

2. Show your gender

Then, as long as you let her think you are a boy, you will win more than half. Don't laugh, it's not easy.

① lead

When a question needs to be chosen, the boy who claims to be a good man will be gentleman enough to give the girl a multiple-choice question (open-ended question), but the correct way is to give her a "two-choice" question (closed question) type of question).

For example, replace "What would you like to drink" with "How about a latte?"

When making a decision, the advantage of using closed questions is that you will not receive a casual sentence. The most important thing is that you show a leadership posture, so that she can only answer "yes, no", instead of worrying about the choice. which.

② focus

A boy must have something more obsessed than falling in love, or a career, or an interest.

In the eyes of girls, when a boy is concentrating on his own affairs or interests, his whole body shines. Once you make a girl feel like you have nothing to do all day long, and you know how to walk around her like a pug, you have lost your chance.

Even though I also know that you like it too much and let go of others, but she doesn't know.

If you really can't control it, you can use coins to decide whether to take the initiative to find her today. If she asks you why you didn't find her yesterday, you can pretend to be a wave.


Give her what she lacks. And most of the girls are traditional in their bones. They have been educated since childhood to be obedient and obedient, and to abide by various regulations. Therefore, the rebelliousness that has been suppressed in their bones for a long time needs someone to help her release it.

To gamble, to take risks, to climb over the wall, to skip work, to escape orders, and even to take her to do some "small things that violate traditional morals."


For most people, the ideal state of life is like a pendulum, reciprocating between security and excitement, either busy living or busy dying.

This state of life gives us a real sense of existence, but the girl has always longed for her pendulum to stop at the "sense of security" in the bottom of her heart, which is why girls yearn for words like "forever, last, whitehead".

So as long as she is given a strong enough sense of security during a very turbulent period (illness, low mood, etc.), she will feel that her pendulum has stopped and she will feel the "final" she wants most.

May you come here with your sincerity and bring the girl you like back home. If you don't want her to be hurt by a scumbag, you should be more flirtatious than a scumbag.


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